Research interests
RNA processing represents an important, highly intricate, and underexplored layer of gene expression in plants. In contrast, plant hormonal pathways have been relatively well-elucidated (Hrtyan et al., 2015). We are a small team that utilizes the excellent lab expertise on hormonal pathways in plants to explore the relevance of key steps of processing of mRNA, particularly alternative splicing (AS) and m6A mRNA methylation.
We have previously identified the Arabidopsis factors (writers) required for the m6A methylation of mRNA (Ruzicka et al., 2017). Currently, we are investigating the molecular mechanism(s) underlying the role of m6A in auxin-dependent processes (Zemlyanskaya et al., unpublished). We have also recently uncovered how alternative splicing interferes with the major auxin transporter PIN7 (Kashkan et al., 2022c,b), currently seeking the upstream cues regulating this process. Furthermore, we also explore how AS interferes with the signaling pathways of abscisic acid (Timofeyenko et al., unpublished).
We have also developed some tools. First, we designed a box where the temporal dynamics of seedling morphology can be monitored under various light conditions (Kashkan et al., 2022a). Second, we made available a machine-learning algorithm for determining the evolutional conservation of protein splice isoforms (plant and animal) (Timofeyenko et al., 2023), including a user-friendly interface (catsnap.cesnet.cz).

Kamil Růžička

Elena Zemlyanskaya

Amel Yamoune

PhD student

Anastasiia Holoborodko
Master student
Main publications
Zemlyanskaya EA, Zemlianski V, Pěnčík A, Kelley D, Helariutta Y, Novák O, Růžička K. 2023. N6-adenosine methylation of mRNA integrates multilevel auxin response and ground tissue development in Arabidopsis. Development, 150 (19): dev201775. DOI: 10.1242/dev.201775
Timofeyenko K, Kanavalau D, Alexiou P, Kalyna M, Růžička K. 2023. Catsnap: a user-friendly algorithm for determining the conservation of protein variants reveals extensive parallelisms in the evolution of alternative splicing. New Phytologist 238(4):1722-1732. DOI: 10.1111/nph.18799
Kashkan I, García-González J, Lacek J, Müller K, Růžička K, Retzer K, Weckwerth W. 2022a. RaPiD-chamber: Easy to self-assemble live-imaging chamber with adjustable LEDs allows to track small differences in dynamic plant movement adaptation on tissue level. bioRxiv: 2022.08.13.503848. DOI: 10.1101/2022.08.13.503848
Kashkan I, Hrtyan M, Retzer K, Humpolíčková J, Jayasree A, Filepová R, Vondráková Z, Simon S, Rombaut D, Jacobs TB, et al. 2022b. Mutually opposing activity of PIN7 splicing isoforms is required for auxin-mediated tropic responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 233: 329–343. DOI: 10.1111/nph.17792
Ruzicka K, Zhang M, Campilho A, Bodi Z, Kashif M, Saleh M, Eeckhout D, El-Showk S, Li H, Zhong S, et al. 2017. Identification of Factors Required for m6A mRNA Methylation in Arabidopsis Reveals a Role for the Conserved E3 Ubiquitin Ligase HAKAI. New Phytologist 215: 157–172. DOI: 10.1111/nph.14586
Ruzicka K, Strader LC, Bailly A, Yang H, Blakeslee J, Langowski L, Nejedlá E, Fujita H, Itoh H, Syono K, et al. 2010. Arabidopsis PIS1 encodes the ABCG37 transporter of auxinic compounds including the auxin precursor indole-3-butyric acid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107: 10749–10753. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1005878107
Ruzicka K, Simásková M, Duclercq J, Petrásek J, Zazímalová E, Simon S, Friml J, Van Montagu MCE, Benková E. 2009. Cytokinin regulates root meristem activity via modulation of the polar auxin transport. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 4284–4289. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0900060106
Ruzicka K, Ljung K, Vanneste S, Podhorská R, Beeckman T, Friml J, Benková E. 2007. Ethylene regulates root growth through effects on auxin biosynthesis and transport-dependent auxin distribution. The Plant Cell 19: 2197–2212. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.107.052126
Kashkan I, Timofeyenko K, Růžička K. 2022c. How alternative splicing changes the properties of plant proteins. Quantitative Plant Biology 3. DOI: 10.1017/qpb.2022.9
Hrtyan M, Šliková E, Hejátko J, Růžička K. 2015. RNA processing in auxin and cytokinin pathways. Journal of Experimental Botany 66: 4897–4912. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erv189
Růžička K, Ursache R, Hejátko J, Helariutta Y. Xylem development – from the cradle to the grave. New Phytologist. 2015. DOI: 10.1111/nph.13383
Notable alumni
Ksenia Timofeyenko, PhD student. >> Freelancer.
Ivan Kashkan, PhD student. >> Photon Systems Instruments spol. s r.o.
Old memories

Congratulations to Amel on her first-class first-author paper. Huge amount of work.
Proud to welcome Amel Yamoune to the group.
Elena has succesfully defended her PhD: https://twitter.com/_kamilruzicka/status/1771162785214304659

Bachelor/master student(s) continuously wanted. (pdf, 1.5 MB)

Elena Zemlyanskaya et al. (2023) paper is out. Check how we analyzed auxin-related defects in pleiotropic m6A reader mutants (10.1242/dev.201775, PDF).
Glad to welcome Viveka in the group.
Ksenia Timofeyenko has defended her PhD at Masaryk University. https://twitter.com/_kamilruzicka/status/1675093081337503744
A great honor to us: Catsnap was included among tools on bar.utoronto.ca
Catsnap released! You can check the evolutionary conservation of your plant and animal splice isoforms on catsnap.cesnet.cz. Read more on: Timofeyenko et al. (2023) 10.1111/nph.18799.
This is an exciting week. We got funding again! Three-year GACR project awarded!
We got funding! Important Ministry of Education project awarded!